Středa 12. února, 2025
Evropský rozhled

Police arrest ‚Email Phantom‘

Warning: the author of this essay is not a native English speaker

Police of the Czech Republic arrested ‚Email Phantom‘ who threatened over the Internet to blow up the Charles university in Prague and another targets. He had always signed his emails with the stolen identity of the human right activists and another persons.

Policie blokuje svými vozidly hlavní křižovatku v centru Kralup nad Vltavou.

From September 2014 an unknown perpetrator spread over the Internet the bomb threats against several individuals or politically known persons as well as a range of institutions. Prague Mayor Tomáš Hudeček, ombudsman Anna Šabatová, and senator Zdeněk Škromach had been threatened. The Charles University, the Chamber of Deputies, Prague Institute of Criminology, and Police Presidium are examples of state institutions that were targeted.

Several train stations in the Czech Republic had been evacuated two weeks ago after an anonymous bomb threat was received because the threat was not specified. In one case up to 14 secondary schools had to be evacuated after threats via email. Likewise the police had to guard this week all buildings of the Czech Television. An anonymous felon sent last threat to TV local branch. Unknown man claimed he will shot at anyone he meets in these buildings. The threat was signed with the false name „Karel Islam“.

These threats were often signed on behalf of human right activists and another persons.

This Tuesday police penetrated the house in a village near České Budějovice and arrested 24-year-old computer science student. The accused young man is being prosecuted for a total of sixteen threats.

This student is accused of violence against a group of people or an individual, dangerous threats and damage another person’s rights. For these offenses the accused is currently threatened imprisonment up to five years. Now we can not exclude the tightening of penalties with regard to overall damage which is still enumerated.

The investigator also filed a proposal for custody that both the prosecutor and the court accepted.

Student’s threats were signed on behalf of persons who disagreed with his ideological statements in online discussions. His motive was to fight against islam.

Emailový fantom zadržen
České dráhy, ČT nebo exprimátor Hudeček – mladík 16x hrozil bombou